?`s and ANNEswers

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.

Halfway There

The RNC convention is history, and the DNC convention starts Monday. So we’re halfway home with this political ritual. I wanted to watch more of the Republican convention than I did, but mostly I couldn’t stand it. In all fairness, however, I plan to watch the same amount of the Democratic convention, and I’ll probably have issues there too.

If I were to give advice to the presumed Democratic nominee, I’d say, “Step out of the ring.” I don’t mean the presidential ring; I mean the mean-spirited ring of this year’s campaign politics.

We know Mr. Trump believes all publicity is good publicity. Accepting that, why would the other candidate spend time denigrating him? Or answering accusations? Accusations that have been around for ages?

Instead, why wouldn’t we ask that candidate to take a different tack – I’m not saying higher road here on purpose – in terms of the rest of the campaign?

What if she ignored her opponent and set about instead to provide a view of what she wants to accomplish and a plan to do it?  This would be markedly different from what the GOP candidate has provided. He’s offered goals but not plans to achieve them.

The current riff is that Hillary Clinton is not trustworthy. I could be persuaded to agree. But sparring with her opponent over this is non-productive.  Instead, I’d love to hear her vision. Then I’d take it with a large grain of salt.

But at least I’d know more than I do now.

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