?`s and ANNEswers

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.

In Thirty Seconds

Of late, I’ve taken to watching the news hour, first the local version and then the national one.  Mostly what I’ve noticed is how much I can do in a thirty second commercial, especially if there is more than one in a row.  And there usual is!

First thirty seconds: get already washed lettuce from the fridge; get bowl from cupboard and oil and vinegar from their respective spots. Turn on oven before checking to see if the news has returned.  It probably hasn’t.

Nest thirty seconds: hurry back to kitchen. Remove casserole from fridge and let stand. Return to television and sit. By the following commercial break, the oven will be at the prescribed temperature and the casserole can slip inside for warming.

Watch your favorite newscaster discuss various events, always referring to the weather.  Weather these days has become a subject unto itself. As the program advances, notice how many more commercials there are.  Use them to set the table, find other ingredients for the salad, make the dressing, and fill water glasses.

With a little practice, you can handle all these tasks and never miss a word about Donald Trump, lead in water pipes, or the upcoming Oscars. But you won’t have to hear about the shame of psoriasis, the advantages of various prescriptions you’re to discuss with your doctor, or the sales of brand name automobiles.

It’s a win-win.

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