Today is Earl’s birthday, and I finished the sweater in time. In fact, three days ahead of time.
About fifteen months ago, I told Earl I’d make him a sweater vest in the color of his choice. So we went to Joann’s together, found a royal blue yarn, and I set to work. Earl thought the sweater would be done by last year’s birthday. Then by Christmas. Then by Father’s Day.
But I am a slow crocheter and prone to taking out rows when I discover a mistake from several work sessions back. Besides, I’d never made any kind of fitted garment before. It was an on-the-job training sort of thing. Finally I promised to have it for his birthday. To which he replied, “It’s okay if you don’t finish it by then because it will be too hot to wear.”
Point taken. But I was determined to finish the project, and we have photos to prove it.
The sweater wasn’t the only sweet thing about Earl’s day. He’s not much for the hoopla of a big celebration, but friends and family called or texted. My son and his partner sent him a regulation Cubs baseball shirt. A fisherman friend stopped by with salmon he caught this morning, and some other relatives sang the standard Happy Birthday song over the phone for his listening pleasure. We went to an early dinner, and the 2024-25 football season began when we got home. I told him it was in honor of his birthday.
Currently, the day is winding down, and Earl is reading in bed as he is prone to do most nights. Me? I’m thinking he had a great day.
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