My interest in blogging isn’t lagging, but the time I have to devote to it right now is. In the ten days since the inauguration, it’s become more difficult to focus on interesting things that are not political. Perhaps this will pass as Donnie and Mikey settle down.
Additionally, I am working on a longer writing project that has been on the back burner partly because of blogging. The way to focus on this project is to make room for it. So blogging is going to take the back seat for now.
Then there’s two important trips that are coming up and must be organized, as well gotten in shape for. And the Spring prep for gardening.
I’m not giving up blogging; just taking a break for a while. And because I’ve done this since 2004, you – my small group of readers – can be sure that I’ll show up on this site again and surprise you sometime.
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