?`s and ANNEswers

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.

Better Than A Treadmill

The weather this month has been relentless: snow most days, temperatures below freezing, snowplows doing their best while we wait our turns.

It’s hard to get to a health club; and, if you’re like me, it’s even harder to exercise at home alone. I am not that disciplined. Still, since I’ve got a couple trips in the coming months I need to be ready. So . . .what to do?

There is a very large supermarket about half a mile from my home. A couple weeks ago a friend and I decided to walk inside there because the weather outside was so precarious. We left our wallets in the car since this wasn’t about shopping, clocked the perimeter of the store, and did four laps to equal a mile.

The floor was dry, unlike the parking lot. There was no wind, also unlike the parking lot. And it was warm, except for when we walked past either the frozen food section on the south end or the entrance on the north end.

We found our mile to be most enjoyable as we walked past departments and items where we never shop. Like pet supplies; neither of us has a pet. Like baby supplies; our “babies” are now middle-aged. Or like the bakery that offered clever cakes; we actually stopped there and admired them before S said: “Hey, this is supposed to be about walking.” (I was the one who stopped.)

It might not be as glamourous as a health club to stroll the cheese displays or the milk options or the jumbo TVs that are all on the store’s perimeter, but we’re going to continue walking there. And when we tire of the same route, we plan to zig zag up and down the aisles for variety.

Who knows what we’ll find before the Spring thaw.

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