?`s and ANNEswers

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.

Feeling Great

Once a week I take a Pilates class on Thursday mornings. It’s supposed to be a group class, but I’m the only one in the group. So I’m getting private lessons at a group rate. 

I grew up in an era where there were few team sport options for women. And I went to schools where there were no gym classes, only dodgeball at recess to work the body. I’m not an exercise freak, but I do have a personal trainer I see once a week, an exercise class I go to on another day, and Pilates. Then I walk with a couple friends on other days. 

But of all the exercise modalities I use, the Pilates class is the most challenging and the most beneficial. I always come away from it feeling years younger, because it uses every muscle, bone, and core components of my body in the 75 minute session. 

An added benefit, however, is that when I’m in this class I am so focused on the workout that it feels as if I’m on another planet . . . or at least another part of the country. I am not tethered to my cellphone, not trying to multitask, and not worrying about what comes next. It’s a great feeling.

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