If you’re a retailer, you begin thinking about holiday sales in October. Actually you’ve already ordered your products and October is when the heavy marketing begins. My little company, Spectacled Bear Publishing, is no different from the Amazons and Walmarts of the world in this regard.
So if you’ve signed up for the Bear’s newsletter, you’ll be getting an email blast soon. I hope you’ll take time to read it and share it with others.
Additionally, I’ve recently been profiled in the Independent Book Publishers Association newsletter and the Walsworth newsletter. Also this week local personality Pat Moody wrote an extensive article about Spectacled Bear Publishing. Philip & Phoebe, Spectacled Bear’s debut book, is now in two stores and will be in two others soon. And I’m doing an author event at the Golden Notebook in Woodstock, NY. (Yes, that Woodstock) just before Halloween. The holiday marketing is under way.
But I’m committed to not having this new venture take over my waking hours completely – although it’s a challenge.
In my spare time, I’m starting to shut down my flower gardens and cover the patio furniture in preparation for winter. And I’m planting tulips for next Spring. Note to moles and other burrowing animals: these bulbs are not being planted to feed you for the winter. Below you’ll find a blog I wrote in 2005 on the coming of autumn.
I also watched the Chicago marathon, an event dear to my heart since my son Kevin ran it many years ago and again this past Sunday. His time was 3:07:55, which isn’t shabby at all for a forty-eight-year-old. He’s run marathons as far away as Rome and as famous at Boston, but Chicago is special. I’ve included a blog I wrote two years ago on the topic
Then there are two trips at the end of the month: one to Indianapolis, IN, to be with family on Earl’s side and one to Mount Tremper, NY, to visit my side. So I’m providing a link to a blog I wrote ten years about visiting upstate New York where my ancestors rest.
Perhaps you’re in transition mode too. If so, I hope the rains are soft, the leaves are colorful, and the final days of warm weather grace your days as we journey to the end of 2016. Feel free to email me and share what you’re up to.
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