Archives in Category: Technology

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.


We have subscribed to three streaming channels, if that’s what they’re called, for a year or more. In that time, we’ve spent $40 a month and watched one program on one of the channels. This doesn’t seem like a wise

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Whether you like the political point of view of The New York Times or not, the newspaper deserves credit for adjusting its subscription fees to meet subscribers’ needs.

Case in point: I had an introductory offer of $8 billed to

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I’ve been home from Boston about 24 hours and have begun to assume the mantle of my daily life in Benton Harbor. It’s a comfortable life: we have more money than month; we’re entering the most gorgeous time of the

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You’ve heard of them: the leaders in the piano world. Steinway, Baldwin, Yamaha, Kawai. And, if you got the money, Bosendorfer. You’ve heard of the second tier: Everett, Essex, and Celviano. Maybe others too.

But if you’ve ever heard or

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I Am Not Alone

We are Costco members who have the top tier credit card. It’s a Visa that is honored at other establishments besides Costco. And every time we use it – which is often – we get a rebate that accumulates over

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Cutting to the Chase

You’ve all had experiences when you called a major company and gotten into the automated queue where Robot Voice first suggests we go online to resolve our issue. Believe me, if I thought my question was that easy to solve,

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Drive-by Goodbye

I was talking with C. yesterday; his week included what I call a drive-by goodbye from a client he’d had for over four years. This client sent him a text that her firm had hired someone else for their online

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Ziosk is Here

I don’t know about you, but I avoid restaurants that have a little computer on the table and expect you to order from it. Or play games, for a fee, while you’re waiting for your cocktail. In fact, I’ve refused

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It’s been only four days, but already the routine with Liam is well-established. I show up at 3:30 every afternoon and change into a purple hospital gown. Fortunately I like purple.

Then four people – Are they technicians,

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Naming the Big Guy

“What is the name of this giant machine,” I asked as Dave, Erica, and two others escorted me into the therapy room for Day Two.

“It’s a linear accelerator,” Dave said. And, of course, that didn’t really explain

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