Archives in Category: Annoyances

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.


Let me be more clear about why I’m taking a break from The New York Times. Especially when I believe the publication’s writing is excellent, the typo rate is small; and the book section is a national treasure, since the

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All About Communication

The middle of the week went by in a flash. I thought of concocting blogs for each day that has passed but decided against it. Instead, I believe I needed a mental vacation from the RNC, the All-Star game, the

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We have subscribed to three streaming channels, if that’s what they’re called, for a year or more. In that time, we’ve spent $40 a month and watched one program on one of the channels. This doesn’t seem like a wise

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I used to think squirrels were cute as they darted here and there, across streets against traffic, and up trees with abandon. I no longer think that.

Instead squirrels have become a nuisance in my world. There are grey, black,

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No Debate About It

I’ve read in more than one newspaper that Joe Biden and Donald Trump, both presumptive nominees for president from their respective political parties, have agreed to two debates. The first is scheduled for June, before either convention has occurred, while

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It’s a sign of contemporary society that the single serving of a food item is readily available. You can buy mashed potatoes, soups, chips, beverages, for one. Also pot pies, Hostess cupcakes, and milk. Yes, the cost is probably higher;

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Help Wanted

There are several household chores that I absolutely detest, and I’m wondering if other women feel the same way. If so, perhaps there is an employment opportunity for some hardworking individual to address these needs.

The first is oven cleaning.

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One casualty of the Wild Game Dinner was the sleeve of my light blue spring jacket that went home with bright yellow mustard stains.

Anyone who does laundry knows mustard is one of the more difficult condiments to get off

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Time . . . to go

I’ve subscribed to “Time” magazine for decades. At first, when it was in its heyday before there was instant news, I looked forward to its drop in my mailbox every week. It was contemporary, informative, and succinct.

But that was

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Thank You, Now Please Go Away

Dear Allison, Jared, Michael, Lisa, Tony, and Janet,

Thanks for your unsolicited telephone calls offering financial help. I appreciate your concern about our debt, although I don’t understand how you know what our debt is. Or if we actually have

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