Archives in Category: Small Town Life

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.

Independence Day

I had thought to write about something possibly controversial for July 4, but it will wait until tomorrow. Because . . .

We have a tradition where we live of having a Fourth of July parade which consists mostly of

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Kaminski Farms Meats

This afternoon Earl and I had an adventure. He had read an article recently about the difference between meat one buys at a supermarket and meat one buys directly from a meat farm.

Farm fresh meat has no preservatives, while

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Farmer’s Market

Every Saturday during the summer St. Joseph has a farmers’ market on the bluff. When I think of a farmer’s market, fruits and vegetables – maybe eggs too – come to mind. But this market has a variety of other

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I’m leaving in about an hour for Chelsea, Michigan, just west of Ann Arbor where I’ll meet N, a friend of sixty years. She lives in a northern Detroit suburb, and Chelsea is a convenient meeting place almost halfway between

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Clean House

My cleaning lady, A, comes every two weeks and makes our lives easy. Actually I have always liked cleaning my home, but as I get older and have less energy, it’s okay with me if someone else approximately 35 years

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We live in a community on the banks of Lake Michigan where the décor is sand-drenched and sunny. More than one home has what I call a “beachy” appearance in line with the environment. It’s white Adirondack chairs on the

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Car Season

It’s the start of the Memorial Day Weekend which also signals the start of the car show season. Given that Michigan is corporate home to the Big Three automakers, it’s not surprising that there are vintage car shows, juried car

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Mother’s Day and Baseball

I’m not super keen on Mother’s Day, but I am super keen about baseball. (If you read my blog regularly, you’re probably thinking, “Boy, does she belabor the obvious.”)

Anyway, I started this Mother’s Day by reading Heather Cox Richardson’s

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The Sandbar

In the 23 years we’ve lived in this area, we’d never been to The Sandbar, a local eatery established in 1948. That changed recently when we visited for the first time with friends. They armed us with advice as we

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Mending Wall

I’ve always been struck by Robert Frost’s poem, “Mending Wall,” about the spring ritual of two neighbors meeting to repair the stone wall that divides their properties. There are so many things about the poem to ponder. To read the

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