Archives in Category: 2024 Election

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.


Let me be more clear about why I’m taking a break from The New York Times. Especially when I believe the publication’s writing is excellent, the typo rate is small; and the book section is a national treasure, since the

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J.D. Vance

I am not surprised that Donald Trump picked J. D. Vance for his running mate on the 2024 presidential ticket. While he is just thirty-nine, married to a devout Hindu and the father of three children, Vance’s resume is complicated

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It’s a star studded night on the big screen. The Republican National Convention opens in Milwaukee and Major League Baseball’s All-Star Weekend begins in Indianapolis. In a way, it’s like having two awards shows compete for attention.

The RNC will

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One More Opinion

Yesterday Donald Trump’s right ear caught the business end of a bullet at a political rally in Butler, PA. Fortunately for him, that was the extent of his wounds. Unfortunately one other attendee was shot to death and two others

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Short Story

I saw the following comment on Facebook a day or two ago, and was pleased that there is at least two of us who feel the same way.

Although I’m not quoting it exactly, the gist was “If we’re going

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More on Project 2025

According to Wikipedia ( Project 2025 wants to make the Department of Justice, the FBI, the Department of Commerce, and the FTC under the control of the executive branch.

It wants to abolish the Department of Education and cut

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Project 2025

Suddenly Project 2025 is gaining more traction in the media. It’s a controversial document created by conservative and right-wing proponents for reshaping the United States federal government for when the next Republican nominee is elected President. It is assumed that

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I understand the media are all atwitter about last night’s entertainment featuring Biden and Trump. Although entertainment is probably not the right word. Perhaps it’s ‘drama.’

Earl and I watched about twenty minutes before deciding a good book would be

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Tonight’s the Night

This blog’s title is the name of a famous Rod Stewart song, but don’t be misled. I’m not channeling  Rod.

I’m writing about the face-off  on CNN between Biden and Trump which will occur at 9 PM eastern time. Perhaps

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Revisiting the Upcoming Debate

On May 17, I wrote about the upcoming debate between Biden and Trump, scheduled for  June 27, one week from today. I said it wasn’t a true debate, and I’m sticking with that opinion. I also said I wouldn’t watch

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