Archives in Category: Me/Family

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.

Missing You

Today would have been my Mother’s 106th birthday. She died in 1996, so I’ve had ample time to get over her passing.

What I’m missing is that Mother’s younger sister, Alice, and I would always reminisce about her on her

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Ironing As A Phobia

I really don’t like to iron; still I iron all outerwear for both Earl and me. If you return to February 2024, you’ll find blogs about this. Not the dislike of ironing, but the compulsion to do it. And the

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Birthday Gift

When I told a friend what I wanted for my birthday, she laughed.

“Why didn’t you ask for a cruise or jewelry or some special restaurant?”

Because we’ve done all those things. At eighty years of age, I’m staying closer

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The Party’s Over

It’s been ten days since I blogged. In that time, my close family gathered to celebrate my birthday (I’m partial to birthdays.) and my cousins in Denver buried my beloved Alice, their mother. It’s the sweet and the bitter in

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Taking a Break

I’m taking a break for a week or so to remember Alice and celebrate my own birthday, one of the ones that ends in zero. It doesn’t seem appropriate to write about things more frivolous – like the Chicago Cubs

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Alice died today. She was 99 years old and doing well when she fell the beginning of April and broke a hip. She was my mother’s younger sister, nineteen when I was born.

Now there is no one left who’s

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Happy Anniversary

Today is Earl’s and my fourteenth wedding anniversary, although we lived together fifteen years before tying the proverbial knot.

In the first fifteen years, we buried four parents, were in business together, and found a mutual love in cruising. We

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Short People

This morning Earl sent me something he read on Facebook. It made me think of the song “Short People,” written by Randy Newman and released in 1977. It’s a snarky tune about the so-called unappealing characteristics of short people.


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More Migrants

Kevin and I are not alone in our migration to Boston. This year, there are 32,000 runners with probably as many family members providing support along the course. This doesn’t match the number of arctic terns or monarch butterflies who

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Twenty-eight years ago today my mother died. She was diagnosed with colon cancer that  metastasized to other organs. It was discovered the previous November; five months later she was gone.

She never believed she would die so quickly. There were

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