Archives in Category: Flora/Fauna

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.

Plant Police

It has come to my attention that my approach to gardening, explained in my July 13, blog hit a nerve with a couple friends with whom I had wine recently. They knew I was moving annuals around, pulling perennials out,

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More on the Renovation

I sat on the patio last night and am currently enjoying it this evening. Have watered my plants, since the sprinklers go on only Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. And it’s Saturday, a blistering hot Saturday at that.

I can’t tell

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This summer season I had my flower gardens planted before Memorial Day. And this morning I redid some of them.

Removed the blue and pink wildflowers (which weren’t supposed to be here in the first place) and the jumbo yellowish

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Cauliflower and Broccoli

It was on a whim – well, maybe at the suggestion of one of the flower stands’ employees – that I bought four cauliflower and four broccoli plants for this year’s garden. Then I went home and studied the internet

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Birthday Gift

When I told a friend what I wanted for my birthday, she laughed.

“Why didn’t you ask for a cruise or jewelry or some special restaurant?”

Because we’ve done all those things. At eighty years of age, I’m staying closer

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Lettuce, Part III

I’ll make this short in case you think I’m obsessed with lettuce, because I’ve written three blogs in a row about the greens. Maybe I am.

Last year I grew my own lettuce in large pots. It was spectacular, even

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I used to think squirrels were cute as they darted here and there, across streets against traffic, and up trees with abandon. I no longer think that.

Instead squirrels have become a nuisance in my world. There are grey, black,

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Gardening Update

It’s past the middle of May and Memorial Day Weekend is in sight. Where I live it’s now considered safe to plant one’s gardens, although the farmers have been planting for some time. Perhaps wheat and soybeans are hardier than

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The weather forecast has dictated my recent activities regarding my gardens. If it’s warm, but not hot and with little wind, I cancel other projects to dig in the dirt.

Spring is early this year; usually I don’t even consider

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Answers to Your Questions

Yes, I try to blog every day; but I don’t always make it. Yes, I feel guilty when I miss a day. But, at my age, not so guilty that I beat myself up about it. No, there is never … finish reading Answers to Your Questions

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