Archives in Category: Dining/Food

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.


So I cooked too many chicken thighs a few days ago. And the recipe I used wasn’t that good. Which means I have about eight thighs left over, but we don’t want to eat them as they were originally prepared.

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Wine and Cheese

Last night I attended a Wine and Cheese Party with several other women. It wasn’t like an appetizer party where everyone brings something to share. Sometimes you BYOB too. It wasn’t a sit-down dinner nor was it a dessert and

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The Last to Know

This morning I was Zooming with my son, Buddy, who casually mentioned that McDonald’s no longer has salads on its menus.

Not that I thought McDonald’s salads were spectacular; but they had been touted by the mega-corporation as its concession

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After yesterday’s visit to Kaminski Farms, we had to test the meats we purchased there. So tonight  I cooked the two petite filets we bought. Added garlic bread, pattypan squash, fresh tomato salad, and fresh peaches.

I also tried a

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Kaminski Farms Meats

This afternoon Earl and I had an adventure. He had read an article recently about the difference between meat one buys at a supermarket and meat one buys directly from a meat farm.

Farm fresh meat has no preservatives, while

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I’m leaving in about an hour for Chelsea, Michigan, just west of Ann Arbor where I’ll meet N, a friend of sixty years. She lives in a northern Detroit suburb, and Chelsea is a convenient meeting place almost halfway between

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LaSalle Grill

Tonight my friend M and I dined at my favorite restaurant on the planet: the LaSalle Grill in South Bend. It’s primarily a steak house, although the other entrees on the menu aren’t slouches, judging by what other diners choose.

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And A Pickle Too

At least a couple times a month I eat at the unlikeliest of restaurants. I’m not even sure it has a name, but it is located inside the local hospital’s outpatient services building.

The staff is cheerful, the  tables are

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Lettuce, Part III

I’ll make this short in case you think I’m obsessed with lettuce, because I’ve written three blogs in a row about the greens. Maybe I am.

Last year I grew my own lettuce in large pots. It was spectacular, even

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Lettuce, Part II

If you’re interested you can Google® Via Carota. You’ll learn the restaurant in New York City’s West Village prides itself in offering simple Italian fare. But don’t mistake the word ‘simple.’ It really isn’t.

One of the establishment’s signature dishes

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