Archives in Category: Travel

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.


I’m leaving in about an hour for Chelsea, Michigan, just west of Ann Arbor where I’ll meet N, a friend of sixty years. She lives in a northern Detroit suburb, and Chelsea is a convenient meeting place almost halfway between

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I’ve been home from Boston about 24 hours and have begun to assume the mantle of my daily life in Benton Harbor. It’s a comfortable life: we have more money than month; we’re entering the most gorgeous time of the

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More Migrants

Kevin and I are not alone in our migration to Boston. This year, there are 32,000 runners with probably as many family members providing support along the course. This doesn’t match the number of arctic terns or monarch butterflies who

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The Jet Bridge

There isn’t a single jet bridge at Punta Gorda Airport. That’s the telescoping walkway between the airport terminal gate and the actual airplane where you wait your turn to claim your seat.

In earlier days there was a moveable flight

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Black Forest

Last night we had dinner at the Black Forest, a German restaurant about a mile from where M lives. It was obvious that Earl, who is German, was in his glory with potato pancakes, pate, sausages, red cabbage, mashed potatoes,

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Palm Trees

Earl and I haven’t taken a winter vacation since the pandemic; before that we managed to get away for two or three weeks every year while Benton Harbor suffered under snow and ice and gloom.

By car, plane, or cruise

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Allegiant, Part II

First things first. We have arrived in Florida, and it was the smoothest landing I’ve ever experienced in all my years of flying. Kudos to the pilot.

I wish I could say the landing made up for the challenges of

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Random Thoughts

As we plan our upcoming trip to Florida, I’m reminded of the many other trips I’ve taken over the years either with Earl or my sons and their partners. Most of them have been chronicled in my blog, as this

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Earl and I are taking a trip soon and using Allegiant Airlines as our airline carrier. It’s one of those companies that advertises ultra low-cost, non-stop flights to selected cities. I’d never used it before, because I have used a

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Outlet Mall

The closest outlet mall is about thirty-five miles away as the interstate winds. The last time I was there it felt like many other malls do: on its last leg.

Today A and I went to Lighthouse Mall in Michigan

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