?`s and ANNEswers

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.


I’ve been home from Boston about 24 hours and have begun to assume the mantle of my daily life in Benton Harbor. It’s a comfortable life: we have more money than month; we’re entering the most gorgeous time of the year; and asparagus farm stands are about to open.

Still, I’m struck with how a vacation puts your regular life on hold, and it’s a good thing.

In the past six weeks I’ve taken two vacations, one to Naples, FL, and the other to Boston, MA. Even though I brought my computer on both, I wasn’t tied to checking my bank accounts, answering emails, or solving problems. Sure, I’d planned ahead before leaving town, so that I wouldn’t be greeted with any ugly surprises. And, yes, I returned to a stack of projects.

But in between I was aware that vacation meant long periods where I could read a book, catch up on items of interest, and have more time to relax. I didn’t worry about cooking meals or cleaning the house or tending the garden. Emails went unanswered, and the world didn’t end.

In essence, I got off the grid. In this age of technology, where everything is an urgent “NOW,” it was refreshing to feel aimless and untethered to the daily grind. I recommend it highly.

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