Archives in Category: Special Events

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.


It’s a star studded night on the big screen. The Republican National Convention opens in Milwaukee and Major League Baseball’s All-Star Weekend begins in Indianapolis. In a way, it’s like having two awards shows compete for attention.

The RNC will

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We Love Cartoons

S and I are animation addicts. We love the Despicable Me series, the Inside Out series, the Moana series, and every other single animated film. Well, not the transformers.

In the past week we’ve seen Inside Out 2 and Despicable

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Yay for the W

This afternoon Earl and I watched the first all-female broadcast for the Cubs as they played the Los Angeles Angels in Wrigley Field. While I thought the three women – Beth Mowins, Elise Menaker, and Taylor McGregor – certainly knew

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Independence Day

I had thought to write about something possibly controversial for July 4, but it will wait until tomorrow. Because . . .

We have a tradition where we live of having a Fourth of July parade which consists mostly of

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Farmer’s Market

Every Saturday during the summer St. Joseph has a farmers’ market on the bluff. When I think of a farmer’s market, fruits and vegetables – maybe eggs too – come to mind. But this market has a variety of other

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LaSalle Grill

Tonight my friend M and I dined at my favorite restaurant on the planet: the LaSalle Grill in South Bend. It’s primarily a steak house, although the other entrees on the menu aren’t slouches, judging by what other diners choose.

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Cubs Win One

Yesterday the Chicago Cubs won a home game with the score of 5 to 1 against the St. Louis Cardinals. As a rule, this wouldn’t warrant an individual blog, but the Cubs have had a terrible time since May, losing

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The Party’s Over

It’s been ten days since I blogged. In that time, my close family gathered to celebrate my birthday (I’m partial to birthdays.) and my cousins in Denver buried my beloved Alice, their mother. It’s the sweet and the bitter in

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Taking a Break

I’m taking a break for a week or so to remember Alice and celebrate my own birthday, one of the ones that ends in zero. It doesn’t seem appropriate to write about things more frivolous – like the Chicago Cubs

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Alice died today. She was 99 years old and doing well when she fell the beginning of April and broke a hip. She was my mother’s younger sister, nineteen when I was born.

Now there is no one left who’s

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