Archives in Category: Nostalgia

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.


I’m leaving in about an hour for Chelsea, Michigan, just west of Ann Arbor where I’ll meet N, a friend of sixty years. She lives in a northern Detroit suburb, and Chelsea is a convenient meeting place almost halfway between

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Alice died today. She was 99 years old and doing well when she fell the beginning of April and broke a hip. She was my mother’s younger sister, nineteen when I was born.

Now there is no one left who’s

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Today Earl and I flew the “W” as the Cubs beat the Marlins on home ground.

Believe me, it’s an emotional experience that will most likely be grist for various blogs through the summer. Still, I know readers might not

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April 2013 –  Boston Marathon bombing. Lives interrupted, race stopped, city on edge.

April 2014 – I am at the eight mile marker waiting for last year’s survivors: those with new limbs and those with impaired eyesight; the runners who

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Leap Day

The media is all over Leap Day. This morning Facebook featured a woman who turns 100 today, but is celebrating only her twenty-fifth birthday. CBS News provided a lengthy historical perspective on the need for Leap Day every four years.

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Valentine’s Day

The first year Earl and I dated we gave each other Valentine’s Day gifts that were thoughtful and appropriate for the arc of our relationship.

He gave me a signed and numbered print from the G. Harvey catalog. Titled “Exhibition

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Grade School Reunion, 2013

“Where are you going?” the shuttle driver asked as he drove me from the economy parking lot to Chicago’s Midway Airport.

“St. Louis,” was my two word answer.  I’m not prone to chatting with strangers.

“Business or pleasure?”

“Pleasure.” I

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In freshman year of high school, Robert Dutchik was my main crush. We called him “Dutchy” then, but the obituary I read a couple days ago referred to him as Bob.

High school was a long time ago, and I

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Fifty-four years ago today I married the father of my two sons. We were college sweethearts and wed as soon as I graduated. He was two years ahead of me and waited as I suffered through Metaphysics and sailed through

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Were she alive, my Mother would have celebrated her one hundred and first birthday today. And it would have been in fine fashion. She was always proud to be born on the longest day of the year, although I’m not

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