?`s and ANNEswers

Ten minutes to write. Less time to read.

Random Thoughts

As we plan our upcoming trip to Florida, I’m reminded of the many other trips I’ve taken over the years either with Earl or my sons and their partners. Most of them have been chronicled in my blog, as this upcoming one most likely will be too. But for today, here is a post from March 13, 2014, ten years ago. It is called “Splurge.”

I leave today for a week in Costa Rica with my son and his partner. Because neither of my sons lives close, it’s always a project to get together.  It requires the kindness of the weather gods plus multiple airline transfers with the risk of cancellation plus keeping one’s luggage in tow. It’s always worthwhile though.

This current trip was planned last November when the three of us – my son, his partner, and I – began closing their company.  In the time it was in existence, the corporate credit card accumulated an incredible amount of points. And we certainly didn’t want them to go to waste. Or expire.

So we decide we’d use them for a final get-together in Costa Rica on the company dole. When we return we’ll cancel the credit card, close the bank account, and then need to find creative ways to bridge the distance between Michigan and New York State.

As of today, there are 2201individual blogs divided into various categories at annebrandt.com. Were I a newspaper columnist who wrote three times a week, I’d be about fifteen years into my career. Looking at some of the previous entries, many are still relevant.

So maybe you, appreciated reader, will stroll around the website, while I try to come up with a new idea that’s of interest on a daily basis. It can be a challenge.


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