My husband fixes a smoothie for himself every day. It’s filled with some milk and water to help liquify the spinach, apples, banana, blueberries, cinnamon, turmeric, and protein powder he adds. He believes they help him maintain his thirty-pound weight loss from two years ago. I agree.
Earl has even made me a couple smoothies in the hope I’ll like them as much as he does. But the thing is that while I find them filling, they are unsatisfying. There is nothing to chew, and chewing is a pleasurable part of the eating process for me. For instance, I’d rather eat an orange than drink its juice or sauté spinach than puree it.
Yesterday I attended a class on smoothies and watched the presenter make fresh ones for us to sample. One had organic peanut butter; another had tropical fruit. The third was a variation of Earl’s concoction, only grittier. That’s another thing: I’m not keen on liquid grit.
They were good, but I preferred the peanut butter scoop that I ate with a spoon and the piece of pineapple I took from the leftovers. There was also a lot of talk about anti-oxidants, the value of flax, and the fat content of nuts. The portability of a smoothie when you’re running late was extolled.
I attended this class because I want to explore better eating habits once radiation is over. While I’ve kept myself on a fairly strict routine, I’ve also allowed myself to eat whatever I want as compensation. The smoothie class provided a lot of information; but mostly it reminded me that I won’t be getting my daily nutrition through a straw.
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