There are a lot of coincidences here; yet I wonder if they really are coincidental. I’m referring to the final night of the Democratic National Convention in Denver, Colorado. The one taking place tonight in Invesco Stadium, which holds approximately 75,000 fans.
It seems to me that this convention was strategically placed after the summer Olympics in China (Who would be watching Denver during the Games?), and before Labor Day. Was it a fluke that Obama’s acceptance speech was slated for the exact anniversary of Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech forty-five years ago. I think not.
We can say Obama’s resume is slight in accomplishments and that he’s running on charisma. I wouldn’t necessarily disagree. At the same time, this is the man who derailed a sure-shot Hillary Clinton from the White House race, who commandeered thousands upon thousands of people to register and join his camp, who might — tonight — provide a solid plan for implementing his dreams. I look forward to this last bit of politics.
Regardless, I’ve found these past four days to be fascinating. Mostly theatre, little reality. Preaching to the choir. I wrote previously that I wished the conventions would be cancelled, since the presumptive nominees on both side were already at it tooth and nail. However, after watching the past four days I see that the convention isn’t so much about the general public as it is making sure those inside the party are all in line with the presidential candidate. It’s the inside version of caucuses and primaries leading to a swell of support that warns the Republicans on the other side.
Hillary and Bill did their share; Teddy Kennedy and Joe Biden did theirs. So did the homage to Martin Luther King Jr. It remains to Barack Obama to live up to the advance billing. His speech is a mere six minutes away. The time in now.
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